i take one breath / mint at a time

Recursion 001

#recursion #datastructures #devstudy #sum #average

Problem 1: find sum using recursion

How to Approach the Problem:

1. Find base case:

establish base condition of arr.count == 1

def sum(arr)
count = arr.count
if count == 1
return arr.sum

2. Find the function for the base case:
arr.sum or arr[0..count-1].sum is our base case because we have added up all the numbers in the array

3. Find the next-to-last case:
arr[0..count-2].sum is our next-to-last case because we are adding up all the numbers in the array minus the last element

4. Write the recursion line by taking out the next-to-last case from the base case:

We want to take out arr[count-1] from the recursion line so that we have: recursive function call + arr[count-1] so we now have:

sum(arr[0..count-2]) + arr[count-1]

This means that we are getting the sum of the first to next-to-last numbers in the array through the recursive call and then adding to that the value of the last array number.

5. How is the program actually doing this?

Given arr = [1,2,3,4,5], we can express this with recursion call + second-to-last case to get our:

first recursion call: [1,2,3,4,5].sum = [1,2,3,4].sum + 5

Then we want to express `[1,2,3,4].sum] with with recursion to get:

second recursion call: [1,2,3,4].sum = [1,2,3].sum + 4

Continue until base case:

third recursion call: [1,2,3].sum = [1,2].sum + 3
fourth case: [1,2].sum = [1].sum + 2
base case: [1].sum = 1 and algorithm completed!


def sum(arr)
count = arr.count
if arr.count == 1
sum(arr[0..count-2]) + arr[count-1]

Rewrite Solution in more rubyist way: TBD

Problem 2: Find average using recursion

First attempt:

using recursion

  1. Find base case: the average of the first num in the array
  2. Find function for base case
  3. Find next-to-last case
  4. Write recursion line by taking out the next-to-last case from base case
  5. How is the recursion actually happening?
    given arr = [1,2,3,4,5] and count = arr.count

[1,2,3,4,5].sum / count is the same as: [1,2,3,4].sum / count-1 * 5
[1,2,3,4].sum / count is the same as: [1,2,3].sum / count-1 * 4
[1,2,3].sum / count is the same as: [1,2].sum / count-1 * 3
[1,2].sum / count is the same as: [1].sum / count-1 * 2
[1].sum / count is the same as: 1 so our base condition has been met!


def average(arr)
count = arr.count
if count == 1
average(arr[0..count-2].sum / (count-1)) * arr[count-1]

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
p average(a) == 3

b = [0,10]
p average(b) == 5

c = [1]
p average(c) == 1

Mistake made: The input that I'm passing into my recursive call is not an array but an integer value so the program does not work since it is expecting an array.


Attempt 2 in follow-up to this post: https://write.as/effyverse/recursion-002