some of my thoughts and notes


Two days ago, my wife left with our son to visit her family for two weeks. Yesterday, one of our two housemates left for a vacation in Japan. Now, until last Monday I used to think that all I really want is some time alone, like back in the days when I first moved to Norway and I came home from work and I was all on my own.

These days, when I come home from work, I need to play with our son and bring him to sleep, and afterwards I need to keep an ear on him and if he wakes up it's my job to go to him so that my wife has time for herself. This means that I practically don't have any time during which I can fully focus.

However, now, after they left, I almost immediately got sick, and decided to work from home. After two days of home-office, I realize how alone I actually am without anyone around. It is nice in some ways, but it is also strange.

It made me realize, very quickly, how thankful I am for the few people in my life whose presence I truly enjoy and value.