Yesterday I realized how amazing it is that I found this work that I'm doing right now. Sometimes it seems to me like others are making it more complicated than necessary, but then I also realize that they're also taking care of these seemingly unnecessary complications and allow me to simply do my work. And that I find quite amazing.
For some reason, while taking all of this not too serious, just enjoying the process of better understanding things, experimenting with them, and learning from them, it seems like I dug up some small but real innovation.
And suddenly five engineers, our CEO and our CFO and my colleague who supported me the most with my work were listening to me, asking great questions, and appreciating the work.
And most of the reporting and planning that needs to be done to be taken seriously by the big powers behind our small enterprise will mostly be done by them.
I hope not primarily because I'm too lazy to do so, but simply because that's not what my mind is currently optimized for.