I've usually thought about infinity as infinity in space.
Well, first I started knowing about infinity in numbers.
Then I thought of it in terms of distance.
Now I think of it in terms of time.
Sometimes in my life I could catch myself thinking something like:
“I really hope that when I die, this is really over and I don't get another round at this.”
My perspective of that has gradually been changing:
It's very likely that my fire will die with my body – my desires, my dreams, my drives, my sorrow, my pain, everything that identifies me as me.
But the spark of life, the energy, the consciousness which was illumining all the years of my waking, dreaming and sleeping body, it will surely live on.
And isn't it this which is me? I still have a way to go to become sure of that, but at least intellectually it seems more and more plausible and likely.
Isn't the consciousness in all other beings also the same as the consciousness in me?
If that is true, then I should better accept and befriend infinity.