some of my thoughts and notes


I want to share the only good best part of this German TV show from two weeks ago: Linksradikal und staatsfeindlich: Ist die FDP die neue RAF? | ZDF Magazin Royale.

Thinking about the line leaned from “Ton, Steine, Scherben”:

Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht

I think that generally it seems like a good idea except that maybe destruction is not the way to go. It seems like a more reasonable approach to first try to transmute that which destructs us into something else that's either harmless or actually supports us and builds us up.

Basically, being antifragile rather than aggressive.

I also think that the song linked above somehow reflects the state that Germany is in right now. It's.. hard to describe without being there but I feel like I have some sense for what's going on.