some of my thoughts and notes

Limited Time

Feeling how little time we have to do the things that we need to and want to do, there is a clear need to somehow make more time. Three ways for doing so:

  1. Blocking time for important activities that demand uninterrupted focus. This is especially important for creative activities, but also for activities that we tend to procrastinate because we don't want to do them.
    The Pomodoro Technique can help to set a pace for such periods. However, it is crucial to not fill the breaks with overly stimulating activities. Meditation or simple exercise might be the most effective.

  2. For things we know we should do but don't want to do: just start doing them. And then focus so deeply on them that we actually start enjoying them. Almost anything can be enjoyable if we just get deep enough into the flow.

  3. Plan enough time for things. Be prepared that things take longer than anticipated, in my experience often eight times longer. Then, from the standpoint of proper time planning, enjoy the feeling of actually having enough time.

  4. If things don't fit into this schedule where everything takes eight times as long as we think, simply eliminate.

What would happen if it wasn't done as frequently or at all?
Can this task be done less often without significant impact?
Can tasks be delegated or outsourced?


When it comes to prioritizing activities, we could simply follow the hierarchy of needs.

First priority goes to activities related to fulfilling physiological needs:
Breathing, Drinking enough water, Eating healthy, Sleeping well, Exercising

Second priority goes to activities related to safety needs:
Personal security, Employment, Health, Resources, Relationships

Third priority goes to activities related to belonging:
Friendship, Family, Connection

Fourth priority
Self-esteem, Freedom, Status

Fifth priority

dynamic hierarchy of needs

Secondly, we can use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on importance and urgency. Start with urgent and important tasks, eliminate unimportant tasks, postpone non-urgent tasks.