some of my thoughts and notes

Past Year Review

Here's a simple step-by-step recipe for a past year review.

In my personal review, you are the person who expanded my spectrum of positive and negative peak experiences more than anyone else.

So feel free to drop into my 2023 schedule if you like, or to steer clear of it.

Pohoda is the first event I'm scheduling again for 2023.

Going back to Holt is another item on my “DO”-list, as well as the Film Festival at the airfield.

Other than that it seems reasonable to me to spend more time flying (anything), teaching (flying), reading (good books), observing (nature) and traveling.

I had almost forgotten the intense experience I had observing dragonflies in September.

And the one thing that I'll definitely avoid in 2023 is low quality plywood (it has metal shards in it, and they hurt – skin, sawblades and my brain).