some of my thoughts and notes

Tattoo Artist

Today I went to see my Tattoo Artist the second time to discuss my ideas with him. He told me that what I drew was un-tattoo-able because it was way too fine. It would fade after a few years and then, why would you do it?

I told him: “Everything I do will eventually fade. Why would I do that?”

He replied: “Man, I'm just saying, why put all this work in it? My time is very expensive, I'm just trying to save you some money. If I tried to do THIS it'd cost 6000.”

“Okay, okay, I get that argument.”

For some reason I came up with the possibility of just exchanging time instead of money. Because right now, my time is not worth a lot of money. And with his time being worth a lot of money, maybe we could strike a mutually beneficial deal.

“Sorry man, I only do that with friends. And we're not there yet.”

YET! He said yet! So maybe we're going to become friends and maybe I can simply exchange some time with him to get the tattoo as detailed as I want it (not as I drew it, but as detailed as it makes sense.

Making more drawings.