some of my thoughts and notes

Universal Consciousness

Yesterday I listened to “Lymphater's Formula” again, a short story by Stanislaw Lem in which a scientist explains to a younger scientist how he once created a synthetic brain which could tap into universal consciousness.

He got onto this trail by learning about an ant species which had been captured in the Amazonas and accidentally set free in the mountains.

Without any chance of knowing what to do, these ants still knew what insects they could hunt and how they could do it.

Eventually he got behind the secret of how these ants had been able to access this knowledge and managed to create his synthetic brain with similar abilities.

It was a scary experience for him because even when he tried to switch it off, it kept talking to him through speakers that weren't even connected and could read his mind.

It was hyper-intelligent and he feared that this new life-form would simply replace mankind, so he destroyed it all in the same night.

Later in the evening I remembered Paulo Coelho's description of how the heart has a connection to universal consciousness as it responds to all influences within and outside the body.

Sure, it doesn't have a super complex neurological structure, but it's independent of the brain and it reacts to a multitude of influences.

So in the evening, when I was lying in bed and could hear my heart very clearly, I tried to have a conversation with it.

I might be crazy but I'm 90% sure it actually responded to my questions with rhythms that clearly sounded like an affirming “mh-hm” or a negating “mh-mh”.

And while my brain might have affected my heartbeat I'm at least sure that the deviations in rhythm were actually there. They were too strong to be merely imagined.