some of my thoughts and notes

How do I want to wake up in one year?

I wake up knowing that my family is doing well because they are close to me. I am surrounded by trees and plants and sunlight.
I feel relaxed and motivated for the day.

I am free to start the day with what I want to do; but
often I just get straight into work because I enjoy it.

I have mastered the art of perfumery to a higher degree,
and I'm able to make thousands of people happier with scent.

I am also still helping to increase the chances of reaching first flight of TAC 1 and I have found a niche that works well for me and can structure my work in the way I want.

Even now, in the actual present, I can sit here, in the comfort of our home, in a sun-lit room, and write this text during my work hours and know that it will pay back both to us and to the company that's buying my time.

Even though I'm selling some of my time for money, I still have more than enough time to care for myself and my family whenever needed and to do the things that I enjoy the most.

I feel relaxed about the government of the country and the course the world is on, it seems like everything is going just fine.