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The debate and the election

Yea, Trump was terrible. He looked unprepared. He scowled, he grimaced, he smirked, and instead of responding to Kamala’s lies, he displayed that silly ear-to-ear grin. He lost…big time. Will it matter? I don’t know.

This is a unique election in that both contestants are disliked more than they are liked. If Trump had a normal personality it would be a slam dunk for Republicans. And if Kamala had a genuine personality it might swing the election for the Dems.

Instead we have two deeply flawed candidates.

So, how do we pick one? Well, a lot of us will vote for our party’s nominee, regardless of skills and accomplishments—and negatives. These voters are blue or red diehards, because “daddy” indoctrinated them. I have no message for this group, it would be wasted rhetoric.

Others vote for a symbol. You know, the first black, the first woman. Kamala will get their vote regardless of her qualifications.

Still others are swayed by one issue. In this election we have two: Abortion and immigration, and the candidates are on opposite sides of both issues.

That leaves a few voters to consider all of the issues, and all of the candidates pluses and minuses. I suspect this is a small group, but they might have a large impact.

Still other votes will be wasted, and or regretted. Why? Because the voter voted early, and something happened after they voted that would have changed their vote. I call them suckers. The U.S.A. has the most lax and unverified voting laws in the developed and undeveloped world. And it shows.

I dread November 5, 2024.