Gàidhlig, Birds and History Resources
Gàidhlig learning resources
What better place to start learning Gàidhlig than with Duolingo
There are two dictionaries that are really good; LearnGaelic is simpler to use and Am Faclair Beag provides wider range of definitions.
For your phone Microsoft’s Swiftkey and Google’s GBoard have Gàidhlig language packs for autocorrecting and predictions. Both are available on iPhone and Android.
Swiftkey: Android | iPhone
GBoard: Android | iPhone
If books are your thing
Gaelic Books Council have a large selection of books
Essential Gaelic Dictionary
Gaelic in 12 Weeks (optimistic but still good)
Lasag series by Sandstone Press have teenage level books that help learning
Apart from Duolingo, there are other apps and online teaching aids.
don’t know if folk know about this: > esgoil are offering National 5 level courses – Free
LearnGaelic – Free
Mango – $7.99/month
Glossika – Free
Bird related resources
The ever useful RSPB website has LOTS of information
The BirdNet app on Android is fantastic for telling what birds you can hear through their song.
There’s the Scottish Ornithologist’s Club and they have a fantastic app for Android and iPhone that helps you find where to watch birds!
Report sightings to BirdTrack from British Trust for Ornithology
History Resources
Canmore have an excellent site with tonnes of pictures
Neolithic sites near you
Gaelic Story from Glasgow University
Sarah Fraser’s blog for all things Lovat and Clan Fraser
UHI Centre for History twitter
Interactive map of Slave Legacies
I will try and update these with more things that I use and find interesting.