Week One of Trying out Veganuary
This month we are trying various dishes offered by Veganuary, either in the meal plans/cookbooks, in their daily e-mail or things we come across during our weekly shop.
Day 1 – Accidentally missed this day
Day 2 – Lasagne with Salad
Medium-Calorie Cook-Book, Day 2.
Excellent dish and nothing was left by anyone.
Day 3 – Pizza and Salad
High-Calorie Cook-Book, Day 3.
We really enjoyed this one. I accidentally added far too much in the way of seasoning to the bread, so that over-powered most other flavours. Qualified success.
Day 4 – Butternut and Chickpea Curry
We were missing fenugreek and toned down the spiciness of the dish so young ones could eat it, that probably gave the dish the very subtle flavour it had. It was nice but was definitely not a very strongly flavoured dish. Everything else about it was nice.
Day 5 – Pasta with Broccoli
Medium-Calorie Cook-Book, Day 4.
Really quick, almost 'instant food'. The volume of nutritional yeast looked like a typo but did work, it didn't over-power the flavour. We substituted linseed oil for avocado oil.
Very tasty.
Day 6 – Wicked Kitchen Meal Deal, from a Tesco shop.
- Main – 'Mega Mac', Butternut squash sauce and macaroni with ciabatta style crumb, smoky soya protein and parsley.
- Side – 'Triple Threat veg'– Cabbage, Peas and broccoli in basil, garlic and parsley dressing.
- Dessert – 'Strawberry Vegan Cheesecake', Strawberry compote, vanilla flavoured coconut and starch alternative to soft cheese and biscuit crumb.
This was very much a meal of opportunity, we saw this in the supermarket and bought it as a nice change from having to prepare and cook food. It was very tasty and made worthwhile with the meal-deal aspect. I wouldn't pay full-price for it, £8 on deal against around £15.
Quite surprised this was as tasty as it was, I find that Wicked Kitchen struggle with making ready-meals, sandwiches and things like that. They tend to just fire in spices and call it flavoured, this was quite a change from that norm.
Their condiments and seasoning mixes, however, are usually spot on.
Day 7 Peppers and Quinoa Stew
Medium Calorie Cook-book, Day 6.
Mushroom and Millet stew, modified. Very tasty, though it was not very filling, even with added white rice.
I intend..
on reflecting on how the vegnauary aspect is going in week 2 and 4. Maybe and hopefully, it will stick around for the rest of the year.