The next New Moon is April 1st! Awesome. My project will be done by then. The first is a powerful birthdate.

One of my favorite writing teachers is running a (free!) masterclass. Today was the second day of five. My writing is surprising me. We have just a few minutes and no real time to think before we begin the prompt.

My hand seems to disconnect and just go off on it’s own. When I re-read what’s on the page, it takes me by the hand and leads me down old paths. But these days I face things much differently.

A bit uncomfortable. Necessary though. I think.

Speaking of uncomfortable – it’s time to get out paper and my workbook and do drawing exercises. I remember how carefree and easy it was as a child. Drawings & doodles would rapidly appear on any random paper. I loved fanciful fish. Very geometric.
The assignment is not fish, but maybe I’ll sneak a small one into a corner of the page. ;)

I’m going to do a tape before I begin. The one for confidence. It helps.

Til next time.