A place for me to share what's on my mind.

A New Server

Welp, here I am again working on a new Minecraft server.

I have to of been through over 20 gamemode ideas in the last month. I struggle to decide what kind of server I would like to make, because frankly there’s so much potential in all of them.

I was playing on a small server recently, and they had mines “boxes“ where you mine for materials and upgrade gear to progress onto the next box, and so forth. While mining there is PvP to worry about, so upgrading is necessary. It had quickly became addicting and grown on me.

Box servers are nothing new, they have been a popularity on Minehut for years. It’s like the younger cousin to Prison servers. Nonetheless, I would like to build one for myself, but I had to do it in my own style.

Hypixel made SkyBlock into a fully blown RPG, adding quests, progression, economies and dungeons. What if I took a similar approach, maybe islands with a couple of boxes each for every tier. Progression could be done through quests instead of villagers, in return you are given the materials to upgrade the gear.

I have to name this server, and the general theme nowadays is to add “box“ onto the end of it. So, FrexBox it is.

I do already have the majority of my branding for my other server ideas, Frexel. Maybe in the future if FrexBox becomes something worth adding into a network, I could merge it into Frexel Network.

Until then, it’s going to be a long and painstaking journey.