Final TSG thumbs clock in at 36 pages and there ain't no other way about it. There are four pages worth that maybe aren't wholly relevant to the plot, but they provide good narrative flow, add much richness to the story, and induce it with “real-world info”, or non-fiction if you like, which I think is part and parcel of the function of any good work of fiction. Cutting those 4 pages would reduce my workload by maybe 12 days, a gain that is not at all worth all the richness that would be lost.

36 pages means I've got a rough estimate of about 108 days of work ahead of me before bringing THE SOLAR GRID to a close. Some pages I might be able to dash off quicker than I anticipate, others employ techniques I have yet to fully utilize for comix and as such are a bit more difficult to accurately assign production time, but 3 days per page seems to me like a reasonable enough average.

Will take the long weekend to get my ducks in order; meal prep, organize tools, and ready the workspace. It's the meal prepping though that'll take up the bulk of the next few days. I find that I work best when I don't have to think about food or anything else aside from the work at hand. Especially essential when you're in it for the long haul.

#tsg #work #comix