It's been gray and rainy all day. Less than ideal day to venture out for a haircut and groceries, but I'd already planned it that way and stuck to the plan.
Work: Only had enough time to rough out one TSG page, and did some sketching/thinking on PROJECT BLOSSOM.
Reads: Past the 50-page mark on Borges' FICTIONS which I have heard much lore about and have been dying to read for a while now. It's true what they say: slim volume containing universes within. Starts off with what read like reviews of non-existent books, completely fictionized but written about completely straight-faced as if they genuinely existed, despite the absurdity of such a notion, given the nature of said books. The first one is fantastic, and the second one is very good, but by the third I had gotten a little tired of the formula. Fourth and fifth stories take on a more traditional approach to what one might expect of a short story, though the fourth one was quite meta and may require a second read for me to wrap my head around. I can certainly see how he must've influenced an author like Italo Calvino, who does in fact have a blurb printed in the front: “I love his work because every one of his pieces contains a model of the universe.”
Screens: Finished watching KAOS on Netflix, and Warren did not lie, it is very good. Judge it not by the first episode, it gets so much better real fast. Like Warren, I also did not like that they did not adequately tie it all up in the last episode. Doing so wouldn't have denied them the opportunity to create a second season—which is clearly what they're aiming for—the world they created is certainly fertile enough ground for more stories even with a firmly closed first story arc.