On March 2, 1812, this anonymous verse appeared in the London Morning Chronicle, possibly penned by Lord Byron (opinions vary on this):

Those villains, the Weavers, are all grown refractory,
Asking some succor for Charity's sake—
So hang them in clusters round each Manufactory,
That will at once put an end to mistake.

The rascals, perhaps, may betake them to robbing,
The dogs to be sure have got nothing to eat—
So if we can hang them for breaking a bobbin,
'Twill save all the Government's money and meat:

Men are more easily made than machinery—
Stockings fetch better prices than lives—
Gibbers on Sherwood will heighten the scenery,
Showing how commerce, how Liberty thrives!

I love the sarcastic tone, very contemporary. Somewhat akin to The Fugs' KILL FOR PEACE in attitude.

On a completely different note, how on Earth can 36 degrees Celsius be “feels like 43”?
