"Their marathon rehearsal sessions began on Friday nights.
"Ronald Tavel's ingenuity was tested on several fronts in the spring of 1965.
"He's a fag from New York, he's just a fashion thing, we've read his publicity,...
34 pages left on PROJECT OLDBOOK, after which I'm sure I'll come out the other...
"Between 1884 and 1900 the European powers added one hundred and fifty million...
"Caribbean sugar plantations constituted the first truly modernized societies...
Hit the 100-page mark on Salman Rushdie's THE SATANIC VERSES, my threshold for...
Third day in a row to wake up with a migraine.
Another thing that stood out to me from HITCHCOCK TRUFFAUT; apparently, a great...
Woke up in the middle of the night and decided to crack open the volume of...