The incessant bullying of one single child throughout his life may end up having played a major role in the reelection of Donald J. Trump apparently.

Not to overlook all the many other potential reasons, but it's good to have all aspects of the bigger picture.

Post office and grocery run out of the way. Lettering TSG08/#9. More cover art to do later. KS update to draft, and maybe find time to exercise and try a new recipe.

Already too much to squeeze into a single day tbh, because my evening hours belong to my son. I should also schedule a haircut already.

Started Paul McAuley's SECRET OF LIFE (one dollar on Kindle!) late last night and I'm hooked. At over 400 pages, it's a big fucker of a book though, so we'll see if it holds my interest to the very end. I note that the hardback is only $6, which would typically be more than an incentive for me to nab it, especially after having enjoyed the digital sample. But the cover art/design on that thing is enough to make me go uh, yeah, no thanks. If I'm gonna introduce another physical object into my life, it sure as fuck better be beautiful.
