Maker of open-source software and hardware.

3D printing a cover for my CHIP

I have a Next Thing Co. CHIP single board computer (unfortunately discontinued) that I use to run homebridge, in order to connect HomeKit to my Hive home setup. So that I can control my thermostat and lights using Siri on my phone you see!

What is a little bit annoying is that the flashing lights on the CHIP makes my study look like a disco at night. I want a little case that covers the lights – Thingiverse to the rescue! There are quite a few designs for CHIP cases, so I decided to settle on the one that has been made the most.

It's currently printing on my Prusa i3 MK3 and should take around 30 minutes. Just before printing the printer let me know that there's a new firmware version available, probably because I upgraded the slicer software. Having a really long USB type B cable makes updating the firmware super easy, as I can connect the computer to the printer without having to move things around.


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