
When We Leave the Nest We Will Have Saved the World

When We Save the World We Will Become Known

Robin pushing a fledgling from the nest

In the cycle of life within this ecosphere,

all creatures need to consume what is alive

or what was once living

to survive.

In this cycle of life within this ecosphere,

All creatures encroach upon the freedom of other living things,

to live out their lives

and survive.

In this cycle of life within this ecosphere,

all creatures are slaves to the cycle of life,

a life red in tooth and claw,

to survive.

In this cycle of life within this ecosphere,

humans consume more of what is alive

or what was living

than all other species.

In this cycle of life within this ecosphere,

humans encroach more upon the freedom

of other creatures and life

than all other species

Some will argue this is the natural order of things.

They argue, “We are products of our evolution;

we are what evolution made us.”


Humans are the only creatures capable of not being slaves to their evolution.

Mindfulness is the way.

Humans can create the food and nutrients they need in labs.

No animals need be harmed.

Humans do not need property or land.

We can create orbital cities.

Humans can free all living things from humans.

Be free all creatures great and small.

When will we grow up

and free our mother?

When will we become


#futurism #evolution #humanity #compassion #wisdom #ecology #logic #poetry #AnimalRights #animals

Ephemeral Gnoselph Prat