EV to Atlanta – Days 2, 3, and 4

The Trip to Atlanta ContinuesFrom the last post, I am safely in Des Moines. Aida got in last night and we went to the check-in stopfor her race and had dinner. Early to bed.

Day 2

Today is all about getting Aida ready for the race. We met friends (another couple with the wife racing and the husband being supportive), drove around looking at the course. Aida turned in her bike and swam some in the lake. Then we met more friends, had dinner, got to the actually house we are staying in, met more friends, hung out until very early, and everyone went to bed.

Day 3 – Race Day

Up early getting everyone to the starting line. Watched a bunch of the race (cheering all of our friends running), After the finish (Aida got a PR), we got everyone back to house with stops to get bikes and gear. Showered, ordered dinner (I drove to pick it up— Canes), they all went out and got in the hot tub wasor sit by the fire pit. I said goodbye to everyone and went to bed because—

Day 4

andUp at 4am to head towards the first charge of the day. Had enough juice to get to a Chevy dealer. First issue of the trip: couldn’t figure out how to pay— no clear app and wouldn’t accept my card. Might have been able to hang out until they opened; but I chose to drive with the power left to a more “normal” stop. Made it and filled up— but it was closer than any sane person would be comfortable. Lesson— be careful about the type of stop you plan on.

At the next stop (a Walmart), I had to wait for the first time; but no for long. Tried to get a Popeyes sandwich while I waited; but could’t get any service. Weird.

Made it into St. Louis and had a good stop, then headed out towards Atlanta with my next stop ready in Apple maps. Super easy now to find the stop and have it load into Maps.

Stopped at a nice, very cheap Motel 8 and crashed.

Day 5

Up early and headed to the first stop. Funny enough, the address wasn’t correct; but I was directed to the Circle K where I now sit and all is well. Learning a bunch.

I’m watching what I eat— sort of. I get just a sandwich and no fries or drink.

Since there is nobody in line, I’m charging to 100% (only supposed to charge to 83% so others can get started). Going a little further than normal (161 miles) to the next stop at Walmart. I wonder if I’ll have to wait again?

OK… no waiting there and I’m at another Walmart in Alabama. Not only that, but I’ve already found the next stop between here and Atlanta and that is a Walmart as well. The final charge (if I head to my mom’s first in Greensboro, GA) is in Covington. That would be late tonight, if I try. Or I can get a hotel. Either way, definitely enjoying this style of travel! Everyone that I meet filling up seems to feel the same.