Hearts and Minds
I just asked the Universe to send me ideas on what to write about. I asked for some juicy article ideas. What I received back was what you are about to read. I was told to speak from your heart. To trust the Universe. Please enjoy.
To speak from one’s heart is not an easy thing. To put yourself out there and to be vulnerable and naked to the World is scary. But perhaps it doesn’t have to be. Perhaps we can learn to be afraid and still go. Still do. In the face of fear. We always have a choice. To choose love over fear. This can be scary as well.
When we choose love over fear we are giving ourselves up. We are essentially trusting whatever may be. We can only control so much and to only a certain extent. We can always build up our hearts and minds and behave in more intelligent fashions. Rather than running on auto-pilot or non-consciously, we can be more conscious and aware of our own thoughts and actions.
Is it better to act with your head or your heart? One is not better than the other — just different from one another. Sometimes it may make more sense to move with your mind first. While other times it’s best to follow your heart. How do you know? Well, the choice is really just up to you. It’s wise to and intelligent to operate from a combination of the two. This happens automatically almost. While one side may dominate the other, they really are a team. They are in a relationship together, and the more you understand this relationship, the better.
How about you though? Would you say you are more of a brain person or more heart-centered? There is no real right or wrong answer here. And you are always free to flip-flop and try the other on for size.
We can always improve our minds and hearts. Here is a short list off the top of my head of ways that have helped me and could help you.
How to Better Your Mind
- Meditation
- Cardio ≥45 min.
- Take a walk (your demons hate fresh air)
- Socializing (get out of your head)
- Cold showers
- Writing
- Reading
- Setting goals
- Breathing
- Positive audio
- Limiting distractions
Speaking candidly, I am a chronic over-thinker. I am trying to get better at not thinking so much and just acting and doing. My past has been made up of tons and tons of over-thinking. Thinking doesn’t really change much — a lot of it is probably just a colossal waste of time. I am really just talking about thinking to the point where nothing or very little is getting done. Action is much more exciting to me these days. With action, you are directly injecting things into your reality. This is very exciting and intriguing to be able to play with this notion.
Ironically, it’s reading and thinking about this idea. To speak and write things into reality. It really is such a dream to experiment with. I love the fact that we are able to do this. I love the simplicity and the fact that reality is always listening. I am truly excited to see what I can do and to become better friends with reality.
…now here are some ways to better your heart
How to Better Your Heart
- Trust the Universe
- Ask for what you want
- Write or speak directly to reality
- Do thing out of the kindness of your heart (just because)
- Do something to show you care—no matter how big or small
- Write a letter to your past/present/future self
- Understand that one day this will all end. How does that change your perspective?
- Look at things from multiple angles
- Do more of what you love
- Keep piling onto things you love. Stack them up high
- Spend time with people who lift you up and support you (your cheereleaders)
- Eat a light diet (vegan, raw, etc.)
- Listen
- Spend time in nature
- Offer a hug over a handshake
- Be nicer. You never know what's going on in someone's life.
- Do something spontaneously kind for a stranger
- Connect with an instrument
- Start something you are intrigued by and also somewhat afraid to do
- Follow your curiosity
- Practice your passions
- Don't have money as your #1 end goal. Don't chase the $.
- Listen to you gut
- Stand up for youself
- Live your life as if it was an epic movie. If others paid to see your film, what would you want them to see on the screen?
- Practice the subjective reality lens
- Journal
I really ought to follow my own advice. I am loving the fact that I am getting these out of my mind and sharing them with you all. Thank you for reading and thank you for your support. Does any of this resonate with you? What do you like? How can you improve? What can you offer? How can you do better? What do you need? What are you dealing with that you need help with? What would help? I don’t have all the answers, but I’m sure I could do something. Let me know. I’m easy to get in touch with. I want to keep on creating. I promise to. It’s not all about me though. I almost want to be a disembodied voice that resonates, echoes, and is not bound to time or space — much like reality itself.