Whatever It Takes
It’s almost deadline.
I made a promise to myself I would publish something every day. It’s almost deadline and I have nothing to show for it. I don’t want to let myself down. So no matter how tired or fat I feel I feel from the pizza I just had, I am staying committed.
I am staying disciplined because it’s important to me. I am not making excuses for myself anymore and just going to do this. No matter how much I procrastinate or slack off during the day — this thing is getting done and up. So here I am, alone with the computer. Alone with the screen. My thoughts and my breath. A lemon-lime hiball to wake my ass up.
The cool thing about being under pressure is that it forces you to commit and get something done. Having the goal of 365-days of cardio and content creation is really disciplining me thus far and provides an anchor in my mind — especially, the content creation part. With knowing I need to get a piece of content out, it forces my brain in a healthy way to think in positive ways. Knowing I need to write, edit, then post — it’s like my mind can focus easier. It’s funny how that works because it’s so easy to want to slack off and put it off until tomorrow. There is essentially no tomorrow. Tomorrow is just another excuse.
I think the lesson here is becoming more focused and disciplined, especially when it comes to time management. I know that I like to write most in the morning, and I do on the weekends. During the week, I have been good with waking up and getting my yog in, but still there is more room to be disciplined with writing. I don’t need to be so rigid though. I am learning to adapt and be flexible with my writing. The important thing is enjoying it and pushing it out, and getting it published.
There is a sexiness to discipline. By disciplining yourself, you are strengthening that part of your brain that won’t quit. Quitting is easy and it’s lame. Pushing yourself to do something outside of your comfort zone is sexy and cool af. You are giving a story for your character — a story to share with others. I am learning as I go and refining my approach every day. I am finding my voice and learning to not be so scared. Posting something online requires vulnerability. You are offering up a piece of yourself and putting yourself on display. Some people may not like what you have to say or your style — but some may love it, and do. One does not simply exist without the other.
Life is continually asking, what do you want here, what do you want to say. By staying in control and being conscious of your actions, you are stepping up your standards. This raises other people's standards too. By uplifting your own sense of pride and determination through grit and glamour, you are shifting the consciousness. You’re shifting the consciousness of yourself yet simultaneously shifting the consciousness of those around you. I want to see what I’m made of. I want the same for you. I want to learn, grow, and adapt. I want to better myself and better you. We’re all in this together and are here for each other. As corny as that may sound, it’s true. Through others we are able to see sides of ourselves we wouldn’t be able to see otherwise. By sharing your thoughts, ideas, and expressions with people, you are bouncing energy that they will bounce back to you and others throughout their day.
This is why I think it’s so important to start the day off right. By starting the day off right, you are creating a unique positive energy that will affect those in your circle — however wide that may be. Going for a yog or run in the morning has been doing wonders. Combining this will a cool score or soundtrack to listen to keeps the good feelings flowing. I also combine this with waving at people. This just makes me smile and makes the other person smile too. I don’t care how corny this sounds lol — you oughtta try it and see how you feel.
So this post isn’t the most concise or polished or focused. I’m proud of myself for still getting it done — just in time. I’m ending the day on a high note.
Sleep well ❤