Where Is This Thing Going? Pt. 1
How can you be creative in this life?
Doing things your way is super badass. I like taking an objective birds-eye-view of my life and seeing what I like and what needs some tweaking. For this, I would recommend journaling. A faster option would be recording audio. What’s happening to you?
Here are some questions to ponder…
- Where is thing called “My Life” headed
- Is this what you signed up for?
- Is this enough?
- Are you happy with what you're getting?
- What would a fresh start look like?
- What's working? What's not?
Living by Your Standards
This life is yours and no one else’s. Whatever outside influences you gather can either build you up or slow you down. Remember what you want—remember what’s important to you! Pay attention to your feelings. When you are doing or thinking about something in your life, is it an expansive or a shrinking feeling? If something feels wrong, it is wrong. Be binary with this shit. If what you’re doing doesn’t make you feel good, keep searching to find what does.
Do You
With all of this said, I feel like we all need to do things in our ways. Go with your gut. Journal about it. Talk to reality. Get the stuff outta your head and onto or into something physical. Inject it into reality. Play with the feeling. Experiment.
As a thought experiment, let’s talk about jobs and careers for a second…
- What are you currently doing?
- What's going on in your head about this?
- What's clearly not working?
- What would you like to do differently instead (even as just an experiment)?
- If you were watching a movie, what would you want the character to do next?
- The reason why I love being introverted and writing is because I'm a control freak.
Pt. 2 will continue tomorrow with the answers. It's getting late and feeling a bit sad. Not to make excuses, but I want to start fresh tomorrow when the feelings fade. Is this a failed attempt at an article? I wouldn't say failed, but just real-life unfolding. I am learning a lot about myself with these articles. I think it's okay to post stuff that's not 100% complete. I'm just learning as I go.