I have a month to myself. My wife is overseas. I have a stable job that doesn't mind if I have a couple bad days or need to be away sick. They'll pay me regardless.

This is the perfect time to make a radical change without fear of repercussions.

I will fast, aiming for 28 days, this Sunday. I have all the supplements I need, surely — salt, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, calcium. I can stock up with sea/celtic salt, fibre, etc.

I don't need to freak out about it though. There are plenty who have done far longer, with little prep, with more stress. I on the other hand will be doing it in a super comfy house, little to worry about.

I can sleep, I can play games, I can drink lots of filtered and spring water. I'll be good.

I ate junk food today but tomorrow will be only carrots, eggs and meat.

During this fast I also want to quit, or at least heavily taper down nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. I also want to quit porn and wake up earlier.

I won't tell a soul about this fast. No one needs to know, and it'll only diminish my motivation. Nope – I will act completely normal. The only person who will know is me, whatever anon reads this post, and God.