A coffee-loving software developer.

Roasting Coffee at Home

This post is part of my coffee series of posts, a full list of which is available here.

A few years ago my wife bought me a small hand-held coffee roaster. I love coffee. I'm a coffee geek. I love the taste, of coffee, I love the story of coffee, I love finding out about how it is made, and the people behind it.

I think it was my birthday, or an anniversary, I can't remember now. But there is form here, as the very first present my wife bought me – long before we were married – was a manual coffee grinder. A Zassenhaus manual coffee grinder. It was something I'd had my eye on and mentioned once before. Zassenhaus have been making grinders since 1867. It was not a cheap grinder.

My wife at the time was a single mother, with no money, looking after two kids. We had not long started dating, and lived in different cities. It shames me to say it wasn't until a while later I realised quite the sacrifices she'd made to buy it for me – scrimping a little money each week to buy it for me. Needless to say, this coffee grinder is very sentimental. It comes with me whenever I go camping, and allows me to freshly grind coffee wherever I may be.

So when, about a decade later, she bought me this coffee roaster, and gave it to me whilst we were camping it was just another step down the road of my obsession with coffee.

Fast forward to the present day.

Yesterday morning, I realised I was out of coffee beans at home. I was waiting on a delivery of some more beans from the excellent Extract Coffee Roasters in Bristol, but had timed it wrong and run out. I remembered the coffee roaster out in my van, and the green beans I kept there and went to go grab them to roast some coffee. I thought I'd record a video about it whilst I was doing it.


Roasting coffee at home is pretty easy, and I've put a link to the roaster I have in the subscriber section below. I will be honest, you will not be able to produce the same results as a professional roaster, as they have much larger machines able to keep a more uniform temperature. But it is fun. And it makes you a part of the process. Your house smells amazing. And you get to taste the unique taste of the coffee you just roasted. You can even brag that it is small-batch artisanal coffee if you want ;)



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