
Number two in a series

I have been lax in spreading this news, probably because the fac't hasnt sunken in for me yet. But to tarry further would be a great disservice to this insanely complex phenomenon that, if all goes well, will be our second child.

She (if you ask Linnea) or he (if you ask Annika) is due on or about the 13th of June. We are planning on bringing this new child into the world at a birthing center affiliated with Cambridge Hospital. This will afford Linnea the opportunity to be present at the birth (just as Annika was present at the births of her siblings). So many things have changed since Linnea was born (as much because of her as not) that this second journey feels like a completely new and different experience. Annika and I both are in better places in our lives. My gut feeling about fatherhood is still apprehension, but there have been so many indescribably great moments in the past three years that I can put the hard stuff aside and enjoy a little slice of optimism. Sadly for Annika, this means a glögg-free Christmas. On the up side, she was not eager to repeat a pregnancy through the summer months. At this rate, the child will be with us in time for Midsommar (like another young fellow we know). So—the adventure continues!

