“I'd say the most important thing for me is to understand.”

“Worth” (2020) | 《911算命律師》

25.11.2021 – #Movies

Directed by Sara Colangelo

Written by Max Borenstein




家屬反映基金不該用formula去計算賠償額,要fix the fund,但直到最後都完全沒有著墨應該fix什麼、點fix,總之結局就是fixed,皆大歡喜。





  1. 開頭塑造男主角色, 強調佢中意聽opera (?), 接case的自信

  2. 之後火車上專心聽歌劇, 身邊群眾起哄, 慢慢發現遠方的黑煙

  3. 想幫手做意外賠償的工作, 向司法部自薦

  4. 問題是, 這些人不能'move on'

  5. 基金亦不flexible/人性化, 令到男主阻滯重重, 佢又拒絕聽意見/改變, 直至一個點佢真的”發現”到, 然後就去fix the fund (都有d係慢慢蘊釀緊, 但唔明顯亦無說明佢有咩想法, 得一次見完遺孀就坐房無聽opera)

  6. 真人真事限制了發展空間+保密協議?

  7. What is 'fixed'? 無講, looks like the whole thing stuck just because of the stubborn of 男主

  8. Where is the difficulty? How to calculate?

  9. 對於911受難者的描寫亦不足, 只有遺孀katy和gay有寫多少少, 但整體很散, 沒有drill on任何一方, 較片面, 男主和其他主要角色的形象僅僅足夠

  10. One main point: life is calculated by formula, to make it looks 'fair' e.g. life of a CEO > janitor (賠償額) But the film just pointed out, not addressed. 咁究竟點樣人性化d fair d??

“The big problem with the movie is that it doesn't really grapple with the questions it poses. The fact that the questions are unanswerable doesn't mean they shouldn't have been engaged with more fully, and in the mid-section of the movie, it does seem as if the film is going to try to do that and stick with it, even if it means that we get to the end of the story and feel frustrated that the film has thrown its hands up and said, “Sorry, folks, this is just too big—we're as overwhelmed as you are.” As in real life, the fund initially seemed as if it was on the verge of failing to meet its mandate of enrolling 80% of eligible people by Dec. 3, 2003, only to get a last minute push thanks to the endorsement of Wolf, who essentially declared that he believed the fund had been “fixed” because he'd talked to Feinberg and endorsed him as a good person. It's all a little bit too pat and vague. There's nothing tangible onscreen to suggest that Feinberg had a change of heart or learned something he didn't know before (we see him talking to various survivors in person, something he didn't do early on, but that's about it). “ https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/worth-movie-review-2021