Tea with an Elephant

Tea with an Elephant

My dear and sweet Ann,

I awoke this morning early, with the sun begging my attention be placed on the new day. For a moment, my eyes clouded from sleep, I thought I was home with my beloved.

The sounds of the camp reminded me I was in India. Breakfast was already being made and the smells would have brought your beloved King George to the table.

The camp around is an amazement. Camels and elephants carry baggage of beautiful fashion, ready for another days journey. The elephants are magnificent, very intelligent creatures.

An elephant will so gently bend a joint from the hind leg for the mahout, the attendant, to use as a step. Sometimes a trunk will be extended for the foot, and by this route, he will be lifted to sit upon the elephants back.

Powerful , extrordinary creatures. From a humans command, the monsters, as your brother so affectionately calls them, will kneel down, allowing the man to climb upon his back. If any loose cloth falls down from the rider or cord hangs low to the ground, the elephant will pick it up with its trunk and place the material up with the baggage.

While the elephant waits , she will break a branch from a tree. This she will use to fan herself and will occasionally slap the flies away.

One has come to join me for tea, and in doing so, has placed her trunk into my cup. Your brother found this amusing. With that, we shared are breakfast with the queen herself.

The camels are now being packed as I finish this letter to you and the children. I will write to you again tonight, and as promised , will give you some description of the day.

Give the children my love. I trust that they are dutiful in the lessons they are given and not worrying their mother overly much.

To you, my dear little wife, I will keep my promise and not end up in the tigers mouth.

Your dearest husband,
