Notes on what I've been reading

End Notes

I started Marginalia five years ago as a way to satisfy my desire to share links to articles and cool web things whilst also satisfying my desire to stop using Twitter. At that time, I was exploring Mastodon more, but it was a pretty quiet space and, I guess I still wanted an audience.

I'm five years and one global pandemic older now, Mastodon has become a lot busier, I started a weekly library link newsletter, signed up to Bookwyrm and I rarely post on my blog. Marginalia has increasingly felt like a chore to perform rather than something fun to share. So it's time for it to end.

I hope you enjoyed it. You should get a blog.

Marginalia is an email and web newsletter about things that made me think over the last month – articles, books, podcasts, and perhaps from time to time some videos. It comes out on the first Monday of every month. You can subscribe by following on any ActivityPub platform (e.g. Mastodon) or via email using the form below.

You might also enjoy my weekly newsletter Libraries & Learning Links of the Week, or my irregular blog Information Flaneur.