Dear Hugo in 2018,

Over the next 4 years, you will see many things and grow in many ways. There will be some shit times, moments when the world feels like it’s coming apart, and heartache. But on the amazing side, you will build products that reach millions, become besties with a billionaire, chug champagne in a limo, get your dream job at your dream company, be on the cover of a magazine, overcome your fear of public speaking, walk down the aisle at graduation holding your college’s flag, lose yourself ballroom dancing, and spend your gap year living with a dozen strangers in SF during the height of the pandemic. 

You will battle DynamoDB capacity issues and stay up for 48 hours keeping your platform alive. You will find a home on campus and cry in a parking lot at 1am. You will have the honor of leading some of the smartest folks you’ve ever met to accomplish extraordinary things. You’ll spend hours debating philosophy at 3am and lose your voice cheering on the USWNT. You will walk into your first GBM not knowing a soul there and out of the last one knowing you left everything out there on the field.

I am proud of you. Rock the next 4 too and be kind to yourself.

-Hugo in 2022