human rights defender

petitions at the EU parliament

While the blog is being set-up and fine-tuned, this post has multilingual links to my current petitions at the EU parliament.

These petitions have just come online. Europe takes about 6 months to run a petition through their reviewing process before it may be available to the public for signing. A full post detailing the reasons for each petition is forthcoming. In the meantime …

petition on Child Sexual Abuse

To effectively stop Child Sexual Abuse in Europe, the jurisdictional nightmare allowing States to barter victim rights in Europe in cases of CSA needs tackling.

English French Flemish/Dutch
Petition No 0500/2024 on the application of Directive 2011/93/EU on combating child sexual abuse with regard to jurisdiction Pétition nº 0500/2024 sur l’application, en ce qui concerne la compétence, de la directive 2011/93/UE relative aux abus sexuels sur enfants Petitie nr. 0500/2024 over de toepassing van Richtlijn 2011/93/EU ter bestrijding van seksueel misbruik van kinderen met betrekking tot rechtsmacht

petition on an International Anti-Corruption Court

Jurisdictional frenzy in Europe fuels corruption, the creation of an International Anti-Corruption Court is the only valid answer.

English French Flemish/Dutch
Petition No 0739/2024 on supporting an International Anti-Corruption Court Pétition nº 0739/2024 sur le soutien à la création d’une Cour internationale de lutte contre la corruption Petitie nr. 0739/2024 over de ondersteuning van een internationaal hof voor corruptiezaken

How to sign a petition

The petition system of the EU Parliament could be more user friendly. In order to sign the petition, you need to:

  1. register with the EU Parliament Petition web site; then
  2. log into your EU Parliament Petitions account; then
  3. click on the direct link in this post, or, search for the petition which is easiest by using the petition number; then
  4. at the bottom of the petition page, click the button to sign the petition; then
  5. at the bottom of the page, click the button to confirm your petition signature.

If successfully signed, you should get a confirmation by email.


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