AWS services 101: A tour of popular AWS services and how to use them

Definition and explanation of AWS
Overview of the benefits of using AWS

2.AWS compute services

EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud (virtual servers)
ECS: Elastic Container Service (container orchestration)
Lambda: Serverless compute platform

3.AWS storage services

S3: Simple Storage Service (object storage)
EBS: Elastic Block Store (block storage for EC2 instances)
Glacier: Archival storage service

4.AWS database services

RDS: Relational Database Service (managed database service for popular engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle)
DynamoDB: NoSQL database service
Redshift: Data warehousing service

5.AWS networking and content delivery services

VPC: Virtual Private Cloud (private networking)
Route 53: Domain Name System (DNS) service
CloudFront: Content delivery network (CDN)

6.AWS security and identity services

IAM: Identity and Access Management (user and resource management)
CloudTrail: Audit logging service
GuardDuty: Threat detection service

7.AWS management and application services

CloudFormation: Infrastructure as code service
CloudWatch: Monitoring and logging service
CodePipeline: Continuous delivery service


Recap of the different AWS services covered in the post
Suggestions for next steps for learning more about AWS and how to use its services



Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services for building, deploying, and managing applications on the cloud. AWS was one of the first cloud computing platforms and has since become the largest and most popular, with millions of customers around the world.

AWS is a pay-as-you-go service, which means you only pay for the services you use. This can be a more cost-effective solution compared to building and maintaining your own infrastructure, as you don’t have to pay for idle capacity.

There are many benefits to using AWS, including:

Scalability: AWS allows you to easily scale your applications up or down based on demand, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.
Reliability: AWS has a global infrastructure with multiple data centers and a 99.99% uptime guarantee, which can help ensure that your applications are always available.
Security: AWS has a number of security measures in place to protect your data and resources, including encryption, identity and access management, and compliance certifications.
Integration: AWS has a wide range of services that can be easily integrated with each other and with third-party tools, which can help you build and deploy complex applications more efficiently.
Overall, AWS is a powerful and flexible platform that can help you build and deploy applications on the cloud quickly and easily. In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of some of the popular AWS services and how to use them.

2.AWS compute services.

AWS provides a range of compute services that allow you to run your applications on the cloud. Here are three of the most popular compute services:

EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud

EC2 is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It allows you to launch virtual servers (called instances) that can be configured with different combinations of CPU, memory, and storage. EC2 is a flexible and cost-effective option for running a wide range of applications, from simple websites to complex distributed systems.

ECS: Elastic Container Service

ECS is a container orchestration service that allows you to run, scale, and manage Docker containers on the cloud. It provides features like automatic scaling, service discovery, and load balancing, which can make it easier to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale.

Lambda: Serverless Compute Platform

Lambda is a serverless compute platform that allows you to run code without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. With Lambda, you can run code in response to events like changes to data in an S3 bucket or a new line in a stream of data from Kinesis. Lambda is a cost-effective and scalable option for running event-driven applications.

Overall, these three compute services provide different options for running your applications on the cloud, depending on your needs and preferences.

3.AWS storage services.

AWS provides a range of storage services that allow you to store and access data on the cloud. Here are three of the most popular storage services:

S3: Simple Storage Service

S3 is an object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve data as objects. It is a highly scalable, durable, and secure storage service that is commonly used for storing static assets like images, videos, and backups. S3 provides features like versioning and lifecycle management, which can help you manage your data over time.

EBS: Elastic Block Store

EBS is a block storage service that provides raw block-level storage for use with EC2 instances. It is a good option for storing data that requires low latency, like databases or file systems. EBS provides features like snapshotting and encryption, which can help you protect and manage your data.

Glacier: Archival Storage Service

Glacier is a low-cost archival storage service that is designed for storing data that is infrequently accessed. It is a good option for storing data like backups or long-term archives. Glacier provides features like data retrieval options and data lifecycle management, which can help you manage your data over time.

Overall, these three storage services provide different options for storing and accessing data on the cloud, depending on your needs and preferences.

4.AWS database services.

AWS provides a range of database services that allow you to store and manage data on the cloud. Here are three of the most popular database services:

RDS: Relational Database Service

RDS is a managed database service that allows you to set up, operate, and scale a variety of relational database engines, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. RDS provides features like automated backups, point-in-time recovery, and read replicas, which can help you manage and protect your data.

DynamoDB: NoSQL Database Service

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and flexible access to data. It is a good option for applications that require high performance and scale, like real-time analytics or mobile apps. DynamoDB provides features like global secondary indexes and on-demand capacity, which can help you scale and manage your data.

Redshift: Data Warehousing Service

Redshift is a fully managed data warehousing service that allows you to analyze large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. It is a good option for business intelligence and data analytics applications. Redshift provides features like columnar storage and data compression, which can help you reduce costs and improve performance.

Overall, these three database services provide different options for storing and managing data on the cloud, depending on your needs and preferences.

5.AWS networking and content delivery services.

AWS provides a range of networking and content delivery services that allow you to connect and deliver your applications and content on the cloud. Here are three of the most popular networking and content delivery services:

VPC: Virtual Private Cloud

VPC is a virtual private network (VPN) service that allows you to create a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud. It is a good option for running applications that require private networking, like databases or applications that handle sensitive data. VPC provides features like security groups and network ACLs, which can help you secure and manage your network.

Route 53: Domain Name System (DNS) Service

Route 53 is a DNS service that allows you to register domain names and route traffic to your applications. It is a scalable and reliable service that can help you manage the availability and performance of your applications. Route 53 provides features like health checks and routing policies, which can help you ensure that your applications are always available and performing well.

CloudFront: Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that allows you to deliver your content quickly and efficiently to users around the world. It is a good option for distributing static and dynamic content, like videos, images, and web applications. CloudFront provides features like edge locations and origin failover, which can help you improve performance and availability.

Overall, these three networking and content delivery services provide different options for connecting and delivering your applications and content on the cloud, depending on your needs and preferences.

6.AWS security and identity services.

AWS provides a range of security and identity services that allow you to protect and manage access to your resources on the cloud. Here are three of the most popular security and identity services:

IAM: Identity and Access Management

IAM is a service that allows you to manage users, groups, and permissions for your AWS resources. It is a good option for controlling access to your resources and ensuring that only authorized users can access them. IAM provides features like multi-factor authentication and least privilege access, which can help you secure your resources.

CloudTrail: Audit Logging Service

CloudTrail is a service that provides event logging for your AWS resources. It is a good option for tracking changes to your resources and compliance auditing. CloudTrail provides features like event history and integration with other AWS services, which can help you track and manage changes to your resources.

GuardDuty: Threat Detection Service

GuardDuty is a threat detection service that uses machine learning and other technologies to detect and alert you to potential threats to your resources. It is a good option for protecting your resources from malicious activity. GuardDuty provides features like continuous monitoring and integration with other AWS services, which can help you detect and respond to threats.

Overall, these three security and identity services provide different options for protecting and managing access to your resources on the cloud, depending on your needs and preferences.

7.AWS management and application services.

AWS provides a range of management and application services that allow you to automate and optimize the deployment and management of your applications on the cloud. Here are three of the most popular management and application services:

CloudFormation: Infrastructure as Code Service

CloudFormation is a service that allows you to use code to define and deploy your AWS infrastructure. It is a good option for automating the creation and management of your resources, which can save time and reduce the risk of human error. CloudFormation provides features like stack creation and updates, which can help you manage your infrastructure.

CloudWatch: Monitoring and Logging Service

CloudWatch is a service that allows you to monitor and log your AWS resources and applications. It is a good option for tracking the performance and availability of your resources and applications. CloudWatch provides features like alarms and integration with other AWS services, which can help you manage and troubleshoot your resources and applications.

CodePipeline: Continuous Delivery Service

CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that allows you to automate the build, test, and deployment of your applications. It is a good option for speeding up the delivery of your applications and reducing the risk of errors. CodePipeline provides features like automated testing and integration with other AWS services, which can help you automate and optimize your delivery process.

Overall, these three management and application services provide different options for automating and optimizing the deployment and management of your applications on the cloud, depending on your needs and preferences.


In this blog post, we provided an overview of some of the popular AWS services and how to use them. We covered compute services like EC2, ECS, and Lambda, storage services like S3, EBS, and Glacier, database services like RDS, DynamoDB, and Redshift, networking and content delivery services like VPC, Route 53, and CloudFront, security and identity services like IAM, CloudTrail, and GuardDuty, and management and application services like CloudFormation, CloudWatch, and CodePipeline.

Overall, AWS provides a wide range of services that can help you build and deploy applications on the cloud quickly and easily. If you’re interested in learning more about AWS and how to use its services, there are a few steps you can take:

Explore the AWS documentation: The AWS documentation provides detailed information about each service, including how to use it, best practices, and examples.
Try out the AWS Free Tier: The AWS Free Tier provides a limited amount of free usage of many AWS services, which can be a good way to get started and try out different services without incurring any costs.
Sign up for an AWS training course: AWS provides a range of training courses that can help you learn more about AWS and how to use its services. These courses range from free, self-paced courses to paid, instructor-led courses.
Join the AWS community: The AWS community is a great resource for learning about AWS and connecting with other AWS users. You can join online forums, attend AWS meetups and events, and participate in the AWS online communities.
Overall, there are many resources available for learning more about AWS and how to use its services. With the right resources and a little bit of effort, you can become proficient in using AWS and building applications on the cloud.