This And That

It has become apparent that everything is this and that. Well, we’re the ore. Extract gems from the soul, you know.

And when it comes to picking sides, we just walk down the middle. The seas part every time. Time is but an illusion, maybe a construct. The word is unimportant. The point, we use it to our advantage.

What happens next? Well, that happened last year here, and last year happens tomorrow. Tomorrow, I start what I’ll finish today.

By the way, while we’re on the topic: today the portal opens, and I’m hoping we can pull something through. The whole purpose is for the rewind; then we’ll have something to send back. Do you get it?

Anyways, we were sent to deliver a message, which is funny because the road back is where we receive it. Come to think, we delivered it. Did anyone read it?