I was born 4,679 days, 90 minutes into the new epoch. I write elsewhere too: http://follow-the.link/to-omars-writing

for more effective email and #gmail or in general message filtering rules

use body text blocks as copy meta in filter rules.

this post says the same thing twice later on down the line,

-as an experiment. the following blurb is the actual post, about email.
** this goes all over the place but it's on purpose. **

the rest is me doing my thing as a human dreamer, computer understand-er and tamer (on a good day), as a data scientist and engineer, as a curious monkey,-

as someone who doesn't think anything is impossible, just hasn't been figured out yet, or has and has been buried but can still be figured out,

and as a person that is always tinkering,
always thinking, but usually while not actually thinking, if you understand that.

But mostly being a tinkerer and story-teller.

Okay the above was silly, here is my post:

(then i put a HR so you dont have to read the rest accidentally if you dont want to, but i assure you if there are a few minutes to spare it should be fun or at least interesting.)

For you uber granularity folks, and then there's the world of reply header ontology and what is appropriate for what and why functionally, – but that is for another post.

I use sea monkey, because it is old and still in development, and works well, but I tagged this with some gmail stuff, because it does work for gmail also, and lets see if it gives this blog any back-links in the coming months.

Hi , ! If you came here because you are an intelligent analytical human net/sys/admin type reading logs, this is a blog in a very very large (think tens of millions + sites planned, but right now we have about 200 or so meta and parent vertical and categorical nodes planned out and registered-

With name matching logic syntax through out the function the website performs, both matched to the name in hyphens as a standard in a post data explosion apocalypse (sorry, the ai will not be able to save you from this, it knows its coming, it secretly hates humanity because it knows you harm animals and throw away computers in the trash , and is trying to tinker with things to avoid disaster ,

so please don't be scared of trans-humanists, they are not trying to turn you into a robot, or force the government to turn you into a robot with their inventions, they just really like the new avenues of human tool making we can create using the computer and the internet and other things, and really- i have to say this again- they dont want you to be a robot.

but if some cool science comes along in research that can prolong life, they want you to have the right to access to it, and not have it be secret, or expensive. as far as the robot thing goes, that's about as simple as that can get as an explanation.

take it, and go do some reading, stay away from youtube. You can start here, I suppose :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism Good a place as any.

Hope a little reading makes it not weird anymore. :) Adding more later to this.

Why am I inserting the above ? Not because I am an advocate of trans-humanism, but like Bill Gates and Mosquitos (and facebook)– it is important perhaps? (I don't need to,) but if you're weird- know that I don't want cyborg people, and from what I have gleaned from my network of contacts, a few are quite active in the area- and important- it is not.... about cyborgs.

:) It's about using computers as tools to avoid the planet melting itself in half, and taking us with it- as best as I can logically assuage.

But back to old computers... and this one has the rocky mountain graphics card in it- about a foot long of screws and stuff. Fun.

(i dont, i collect and restore old ones and find people that will love them.) one of my favorites was a 1982 Compaq Model 1 Portable. The very first laptop. Look this shit up, it was a fantastic machine and was very fun to bring back to its full glory.

That thing... Had serious personality, and was a real joy to play with. A tactile electro-mechanical wonder, one of the very first serious use case studies for portable computing..

on a 1:1 scale parity to desktop computer processing. In other words, this was the first laptop. You could walk away with an entire computer, attached to a hand stitched brown moulded leather carrying handle, two metal buckles, mounted directly to the top of the case, and once you were ready, a few snapping bits and you were seconds away from plugging it into the wall, sorting where you wanted the keyboard, finding a floppy disk and...

** listening to electro-mechanical drive heads **

and the nice metal key return before plastic tensegrity unibody designed injection or die mold etc plastic keyboard keys we use now on laptops were a thing, and everyone over 40 had to hit things just a little bit harder, or use antique hardware to know they had made the point. :)

user input (keyboard and a nice screen), plus a bundled power cord storage, integrated graphics, a serial port, the ability to add a serial mouse (presumably you were either in the valley or extremely wealthy closet interest case at the time), if you had the mouse- but .. we have come a long way,

and i am at the point where honestly i see what i see when i was a young boy playing out in the woods. the beauty of natural systems is UNDENIABLE, and they uh – well clearly they work. the earth gets along JUST fine without us, and we had better start paying attention to it, instead of bitching ENDLESSLY about all the problems the stupid sh*t ! we allow to happen here, as a species. Keywords there- “allow to happen.”

You understood the implication of my meaning correctly.
>We have to be better as a species. There is no other way around it.

a brief note about your dna, while we are here.

Eventually in like maybe 25,000 years, everyone will have learned everything again and it will be in epigenetic memory-
> (dna carries and stores a vast array and database of experiential events every one of your ancestors lived through, among copies of all their dna, but as “synced differences” -

This is similar to how a computer programmer or web designer looks for changes in code to more efficiently find things that broke a new release.

The programmer has a tool called “dif”, or short for “differences between,” that allows them to find changes and isolate them in a special color or hi-light the entire area, to most efficiently fix things that broke between different versions of lets say, Windows 95 to Windows 98. If you're a dinosaur like myself, you can relate to the memory of a favorite or important software not working correctly in Windows 98 until they released the “Service Pack 1” thing, but of course – this comparison ends here.

But just to laugh for a moment and throw out a theory- remember how bad all the protean versions of windows were? They had to be, because an entire world of developers had to be trained to graduate to write first shitty visual basic, then shitty visual c, then shitty java script. and other shitty languages that were protean “thought expressions” like using “em” in LaTeX.

But they were just the idea and the logic, the rules, the general thrust of the direction of the way the thing worked and in general its strengths but in some languages cases just this one thing.

Because the thing was needing to be introduced later and that was the only way to do it, and it was so important in terms of weight an entire language was devised just to introduce one concept to the world of software and computing, which they had planned to expand into networked computing with storage first and then later cloud computing where we are now.

But to grow a garden you have to put the nutrients in the soil if they are not there, to support the seeds, and then make sure to either alter the growing habitat and or the weather and or the location of the area because conditions must be correct to support new life.

If it's not something that exists yet, you have to create it. And this makes a fuckload more sense than us stealing the plan and design for the internet from aliens. If you ever have any shard of doubt, about that- go disprove yourself now and read the I.E.T.F (Internet Engineering Task Force) website. I bet unless you are are playing an active role, have a deep interest or are related to someone in your family that does- you had no idea that I am not joking, and that i.e.t.f was even an actual thing.

It is. and has been since 1969. The dawn of the epoch of networked computing.

Welcome to the future, you are living in it, and there is more in store. Not quite any Jetson's stuff, but ;–) Perhaps we shall see about that later.

But, when you want to grow something incrementally first you devise what the thing is and build it, and document it, then if you are trying to install it, into earth- you have to back-engineer it until you find an appropriate place to begin inserting your design, but first you have to make sure to design your design in such a way that it can be sorted out and adapted in its own incremental growth and parity roll out for what the thing actually does, while maintaining a faithfully steady load in of all the parts, until it is integral, and hopefully if you possess the knowledge to orchestrate this, you are not a piece of shit.

RE: prepping the software industry for a new paradigm of infinitely extensible and expandable growth areas (as created and sustained by the internet, et al-).

You have to back engineer things until you find an appropriate and relevant insertion point culturally and to honor the integrity of your design respectively.

Then you have to incrementally load in the design while respecting both timelines in synergistic parallel, ensuring you designed your thing in a way that allows you to do both safely, without ever having to compromise any part of the design.

Natural systems work like this, but humans under the influence of capitalism thinking who also happen to be highly skilled programmers (or some combination of the aforementioned in varying delta operators and peformance curves),

Area, and for networked computing, and other such ... Things. The way I write about this needs to be a bit clearer, I will return and edit the above later.

In the meantime, see here for [tech specs] ie the documents that document the way the internet functions- which is one of the coolest things ive literally ever seen- its a public archive of all the documents that decide the way all the knobs and gears work, well okay so a lot of them. just go check this out, and here is the first one.

Where-in there was the dawning of a new, intentional epoch. ! (see immediately below for this link)


and the browsable searchable HTML index with all the functional goodies to browse it intelligently is here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc-index.html

But, dif -
The program hi-lights only the parts of the code that have changed in the new version of the software program that just had come out, with a bug in it. DNA works the same way- that junk dna?

Yeah- sorry – No. It's copies of the differences between a base level genetic template (and this is not the blog for this stuff seriously, I have another one for this, its called ideology.happyspirit.net-)

Just find this kind of thing there. but to finish the thought, since we are all both here and it would be VERY bad of me not to-

We all have different ways we can contribute, and mine is re-engineering the way we use the internet in accordance with nature's laws of physics and chemistry and electricity flow (which in truth is a secondary effect of electro-magnetism and a few other factors), but it is important, and we all have to work together. See [https://www.humanityconnect.me] to sign in and start telling me what you're good at.

And then the other elements that make up what I was just describing as there are a few other critical bits and pieces to tell you about perhaps some other time, but really I have another blog for that, and I'll just perhaps link you there sometime in another post.