I was born 4,679 days, 90 minutes into the new epoch. I write elsewhere too: http://follow-the.link/to-omars-writing

interesting error

Hello !
Hm. Unsafe what, too much string?
looks like a cool hack-
or an error. i dunno. not loading debuggger. wont.. too much to do ::erggg:: :-D

[Error] Error: element for event is null at line 37
URL: https://write.as/js/h.e0acb11.js
[Error] Unsafe attempt to load URL data:image/svg+xml;utf8,#greyscale from frame with URL https://write.as/. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

URL: https://write.as/
[Error] Error: element for event is null at line 37
URL: https://write.as/js/h.e0acb11.js

as seen from: eric6 Web Browser – 19.02.1 (rev. d14ddbfbbd36)
The eric6 Web Browser is a combined help file and HTML browser. It is part of the eric6 development toolset.
It is based on QtWebEngine 5.11.3 and Chrome 65.0.3325.230. /GNU Debian Linux (and right meow archaic 4.19 kernel) as I'm still deciding if I like 5.7x better than the 5.6.0bpo .. anyway!