I was born 4,679 days, 90 minutes into the new epoch. I write elsewhere too: http://follow-the.link/to-omars-writing

#male #psyche #armour day 294-2020 section ii, same topic- cross gender domains now for pt 2

on the armour of the male psyche-
a technique for beginning to build cross-domain bi-lateral-hemispheric-connectivity-to-the-emotional-centres-of-the-brain-elsewhere-and-through-the-wounded-sub-conscious—-which—isnt—wounded—its-just—running—the—movies-radio-tv-program—instead—of—authentic—human—common—shared—day-to-day-values-responsibility-discipline-word-as-honor-etc—

^ abstract/hasty/v1.0rough
going on

note- to all the men reading this thinking “Yeah right! Ha Ha!” you haven't had this experience yet, —– she is correct. —– Women need to feel safe, just like you need to feel attended to by her, she needs to be safe and provided for in part by you, but fully attended to emotionally when she needs it, weather you're “ready or not” because that is life.

sometimes it is very uncomfortable, and you have to force yourself to do new things you already deep down know you should be doing but push! a little further! past the unknown (and you cant see or define this part and thats why its scary for a moment)

but you push a littttle farther then everything you went in with, yourself, the other person, the stuff is all the same, but now you have the emotional connection- your body has grown, your mind has grown- you just got an upgrade! super mario collected a coin! a power up!

now you can do the thing without fear, and have it be done. then you get that accomplishment, and bring it along with you snowballing into a quiet strength you can use to show up and be attentive emotionally- the next time, more readily- and immediately if that previous challenge should re appear in the future. eventually you will model your life so differently as you grow and evolve, that old problems will remain that way,

and new problems are appearing but no longer are they problems, they are just now details, and you can even use them to grow directly from, by encorporating a non destructive functional element of that lesson, into how your mind percieves sets of variables, life situations, or the actions of other people, or their “strange” decisions.”

dont worry about remembering anything, either- ever. your brain does that by itself. if the pasta noodle is meant to catch it will stick to the wall, and all the files get pulled up automatically as you do a thing. thats how the brain works.

we are so very far away from most of this, as a society, a culture, and a global populace- but we can get back to living a more functional and aware, heart activated way of life.

so if un-armoured is what you're after

consider just doing things slowly, but without thinking about them. and then at the end of each day, make a list of the main tasks you did or achievements, and then take a break, put the list away, and the following day, after completing that evenings list, only then review the list from the previous day.

but with each line item do only one thing. Feel for your emotions around that item, when you see the item on your list. then close for the night.

if you need to cry, let it out,, after a few weeks of doing this it will surprise you.

its a male oriented model to beginning to uncover feelings. #psychology