I was born 4,679 days, 90 minutes into the new epoch. I write elsewhere too: http://follow-the.link/to-omars-writing

note to self, as sea monkey user


in prefs start page mail..

i have like, 51 email accounts.

it just occurred to me i can write my own custom .xhtml page, that unifies all of them into a thing and pipes it into a custom folder and uh, yeah that will be fascinating.

see what im going to do? the default behavior if you have an email account (1) is you get the chrome page above with “read messages,” “settings for this account,” and some other nice things.

but i have 51 email accounts. so, if i had one start page, that made it so i could access 'read messages' at minimum either per account, as in i create an .xhtml index of all the 'read messages' local urls for each imap mailbox, and then map that into the .xhtml default page, which is set to default display on all mailbox start pages- then i can basically turn the start page into a mini web server, but just for navigating to each inbox. but from any page. why is this of any use?

time. spent managing user interface. this is a user interface hack that changes the behavior one would use to access multiple accounts.

the result? instead of clicking each arrow to expand or collapse, or spending a lot of time on the arrow keys in a weird position on a laptop, or a numpad, doing the same but at least it feels good on your hand but still not the shoulder, eventually. point is, now you dont have to click or tap any of those arrow keys. because from just having the top account open, or your favorite account open, you can read email in all of them, as if you were right there.

i haven't checked if the chrome subsystem will allow this, but it should. if it doesnt, this hack wont work. if it does, this is going to be freaking cool.

okay, next update on this when it works or has required an intriguing iteration, but otherwise back to work! #passing-design-thoughts