I was born 4,679 days, 90 minutes into the new epoch. I write elsewhere too: http://follow-the.link/to-omars-writing

Surreptitiously Found Groovy Contemporaneous Quote: and check out a long time friend's super awesome wares he makes with his wife.

“Authority’s emulsion of truth and goodness seem particularly attractive in times of crisis. Its adherents today question an emphasis on the rational and autonomous individual pursuing truth and goodness through the independent application of her own reasoning. They look nostalgically back to the more communitarian moral structures of former times when authority enmeshed individuals in a social matrix and sanctified tradition as sufficient warrant for moral direction. In times of great cultural complexity, institutional authority offers the temptation of simplicity that other public justifications cannot match, for it only requires a power hierarchy to operate, and our cultures are stuffed full of those.”
— The Deep Simple: The Terms of Public Morality by Steve Delacroix

via: Loren Cox – @skivvie – @skivvie

check out his his hand made laser awesome – jewelry, para-gliders, coasters, and more @ skivvies.com