I was born 4,679 days, 90 minutes into the new epoch. I write elsewhere too: http://follow-the.link/to-omars-writing

This is Part of Step. >> 1, .:.

  1. Determine what actually is the problem.
  2. In this case it's the net showing people stuff they would never look at. Honestly the screen capture is enough. That's more than someone bargained for usually even.
  3. Engineers being paid to make youtube probably felt really bad about this? I dont know. Wasn't there. Point is youtube algorithms are nefariously tilted towards analyzing topis, and then taking that topic, and abstracting it towards other videos in the database, but her is point 4- and very important ad why this post is being written.

** The way the youtube algorithm generally works is this: **

You start watching, it assigns a few categories from what you are watching based upon the search term, or the video you start at. Then it suggests similar videos. by the content or subject. You automatically filter ou title matches with your eyes and just dont click them at the top- but at this point it knows the type of content you wanted when you began, and wants you to see more. What's it do then?

You're on say perhaps the third video, not sure why you are still there- trying o leave, but still kind of interested by what is playing, and then you decide okay fine- i will watch another moment or two of this and then do this other thing next.

It knows exactly where you are on the screen, and where the mouse is, and that you minimized that last video trying to get away and that you are going to come back to have to turn it off. They are betting you look for the pause button rather than than just closing the web browser tab or window. That is where they “got you”

The algorithm then starts trending upwards in terms of “sensationalism” blindly seemingly starting to suggest videos to you , that in some way or other raise your adrenaline, or blood pressure.

These are as you go, more and more and more calculated mathematically too be triggering of human brain chemistry.. Primal Instincts.. Then you hit a mental overwhelm or ''satuation point'' You are at tha point either locked in, or you close the window in disgust. But- it was memorable. And you will be back for neuro-transmitter stimulaion later. That is what they are betting on anyway.

Enter humans trying to fix the algorithmic gearing, and teach the enginers ,and board members and shot callers something. We are humanend users after all- and you really should not do things like this, there will be public baklash- and in this case- we are being intelligent as a software community abou it, and nstead of just writingry letters to make ourselves fel better, someone at mozilla who i havent found yet- needs to be pat on the back, for this seriously. this is a grear step. in the direction we need to be going .


my keyboard is being a krumudgeon i will come fix typosafter rebooting