Personal Security/Zen Journal

Friendship Ended With Highly-Stimulating Content, Now Peace Is My Best Friend

I never want to go back to binging on online drama videos, loud gaming videos, or any shorts on YouTube or TikTok (I've never been on the latter BTW, but thank God I'm not), and similar content ever again.

I've never been more comfortable with a zen atmosphere than ever before. Even if I want to watch, read or listen to something on the internet, I just opt for slower-paced videos, articles, and calm music/podcasts. This is perhaps the biggest milestone in my life so far.

As an autistic person, not having constant noise in the environment you are in is tremendously tranquil. I hope not just autistic people, but all people get some peace and quiet for themselves every once in a while, if not for the rest of their lives. 🕊♡

#mentalhealth #autism #adhd #socialmedia #internet #psychology