Mindfullness logs, mainly of infosec and art :)

My brain has been very unreliable in setting goals and sticking to them.

As I prepare for the things I need to work on for job readiness, my creative goals has been in circles and kept getting lost in thought.

I first abandoned the idea of pre-planned projects and go with blogging.
But I kept holding myself back due to this internal fear of imperfection. I had no idea what kind of thoughts or ideas I should prioritize, nor could I stick and organize those priorities. And I kept thinking that my posts should be extensive, consistent with the topic, and complete.

I keep on losing focus and it's been frustrating....
But I read a blog post by someone else that basically said that your blog is an artistic medium of incomplete stories. The blog doesn't have to be complete nor perfect. It should be a place to freely express yourself without rigid organization or fear of judgement.
I've also been learning about the value of being in the present and appreciating the imperfect beauty of nature in Zen Buddhism.

I should not care about perfection at this point, yet it's hard to stop those lingering feelings. I want to just do something, not be passively taking in information. My mind and body wants action, no matter how messy it can be.