Mindfullness logs, mainly of infosec and art :)

Something odd about my iPhone judging from the nmap scan

I did a nmap scan specifically for my iPhone.
I saw two ports open: one for 'iphone-sync' and the other one is an 'unknown' service running on port 49152/tcp.

Why is it 'unknown'? This is very suspicious.

I tried to figure out – via search – what is that open port on my device for?
There was some conflicting answers which was confusing.

But then I came across a blog page by Michael Horowitz.
He argued that the 'unknown' open port could very well be a deliberate ongoing privacy breach by Apple.

His internal IP addresses – as opposed to gateway addresses – were being sent to the internet when they should have been discarded by the gateway router.
Many suspicious requests on his iPhone and iPad were made in seconds every once in a while.

Another thing I found out from the author is that iPhone systems basically have no firewall in place. If that's true, then it's really alarming.

Thank God I stopped logging into some of my important accounts on my phone a while ago, and I changed the passwords just to be safe.