Simplicity is hard
The right fit vs. the qualified candidate
This revolution is small but it matters to me
To embrace the absurd, to be human
Is community the blogging platform’s secret weapon?
Lessons from writing a novella I’ll likely never release
Don’t become the Southwest Airlines of writing
Writers ain’t gotta use AI if they don’t wanna
What if I have only one novel in me?
The business model dependency problem
How can capitalism be reformed?
Replacing human workers with AI is easy when we've already removed humanity from work
Frugal reading - Tips for reading on a budget
Friends don't let friends become monopolists
MobiScribe Wave - The e-ink writing tablet I want to recommend but can't
Managing expectations with a failure-first mindset
Creating in the time of AI
Is artificial general intelligence the real benchmark for AI?
Writing is more than words
Will there be enough AI?