Father's Lullaby

stare into his little eyes. little eyes, yet full of black. it's like i'm staring into nothingness, no matter how deep i stare. there is nothing. no sign of personality, no emotion, no fear no anger no happiness left in this soul.

stare deeper.
What is it, are you somewhere there?
I can't see you, see your self
Or are you gone, for real, at last?
Child, are you fooling me?
Playing stupid games with me?

his upper lip moves a bit. ah, weakness, how pathetic. that is enough.

he screams in pain, his eyes torn open, his eyes full fear, his heart full sorrow. Shhhh.
It is alright, This is all good.
You deserve this! It's all for you.
You are not worth, not from this earth,
Your pain, it is deserved well.

he does not understand. he does not understand the world. he thought he was someone, something, but he needs to learn that next to me he's nothing. his mere existence hurts my eyes. he must learn how not to feel, how not to be. but he feels and it's that he's sorry. he cries for help, he wants to be, he wants to feel

You do not understand, my son:
I know better, know it all.
I say to you, and so be told:
You can't feel and you can't think,
Since when you cry about your life:
You err in that you have a life!
Since when you crave a little thing:
I told you, you deserve but naught!
Since when you think you have a thought:
think Of what Your madness has brought!
And I can't allow you question it
How dare you think, think for yourself?
You're to be taught, your thoughts are null.
So listen closely as I teach:

he screams in pain, his eyes torn open, his eyes full fear, his heart full sorrow. Shhhh.
It is alright, This is all good.
You deserve this! It's all for you.
You are not worth, not from this earth,
Your pain, it is deserved well.