"why am i doing this research, why am i studying, why should i work for...
i would like to do things before time is running out and work at my own pace,...
"...und dann wurde er erleuchtet"
sometimes i get angry reading zen koans
ich habe etwas bildverarbeitung gemacht, aber mir fällt nicht wirklich ein, was...
i want enlightenment.
"all buddha did was find a way to hack your brain into thinking it is...
i'm afraid i will not finish the big task in time
ask no questions.
when something good happens to me or i begin to feel peace and i begin to enjoy...
im reading words on taoism and zen, i seem to be striving and thirsting, my...
focus on your breath.
so your joking aggressions are just that, jokes?
i would not necessarily say that the neurological streams of information...
one thing, considering to do martial arts again, that then comes to my mind is:...
so after some of those a bit more intense emotional outbreaks i have more or...
ich muss schon seit wochen meinen ausweis abholen, und dafuer brauche ich meine...
she sent me a selfie and she said she liked it (how nice) and i really liked it...
it makes me angry that im angry.
apparently im rejecting dualistic thoughts, good and bad, and try to avoid them.