Moving the blog yet again
Hello and welcome!
I'm moving my blog yet again, from to .
When I stopped using Patreon last year (because its payment model no longer worked for me), I moved my developer diaries to a Wordpress site, because I already had a Wordpress site that had been lying dormant for years and it was easier to dust that off than to investigate new platforms.
But I've increasingly noticed 'AI Assistant' buttons appearing in the Wordpress interface, pushing me to create text and images using generative AI. I've got to assume that this also means it's scraping all the text and images I post to feed some GenAI model.
Generative AI is environmentally devastating, using vast amounts of power and water at a time when we as a civilization need to urgently decrease our energy use. It's also built on plagiarism, is being used by businesses to put creative people out of work, and its output is fundamentally soulless and artistically bankrupt. I don't believe there are any ethical uses for generative AI.
I can't in good conscience continue to use Wordpress, so I'll be moving my future dev diaries and other blog posts to this blog.
As far as I can tell there's no way to bulk import posts from Wordpress into ( can import posts, but not in the format Wordpress exports), so I'm leaving my Wordpress site up for the moment as an archive. I might migrate some of the more important old posts over manually at some point.