Hi I’m Jon B. Carroll “I spent a little time on the mountain” Now I take pictures

Very thankful

to those who have subscribed to my little blog. It is hard for me to believe I have over a 160k followers on facebook and 22 k subscribers to this blog. The next few months I should have more time to focus on my creative work. Again thank you and I am humbled.

I’ve learned wealth is measured in time, time to do what you want to versus what others or the world demand of you.

Above is a photo I took when my mother was recovering from a stroke in the hospital on her birthday. She and I ate some ice cream cake. My father never showed up and no one remembered to call her. Right after this photo she said “its just you and me I guess”. Little did I know how right she was.

I have tried to be there for her. She was a wonderful mother and as many of her former students at Abbeville high school would tell you she was a good adopted mother to them. I know I am a wealthy msn because I have had time to help her and spend time with her when she most needed it.

Dealing with family dissension is stressful. My father (now deceased) decided to leave my mother after being married for 64 years.
Without a drivers license he took a axe and broke into her car and stole it. Just a few weeks ago it was returned from where it was hid behind a barn in Barbour county.

My father simply wanted to harm my mother, taking her car even though she couldn't drive it was a form of emotional abuse.

Through the years I photographed much of this. Since his death I have re-examined and question what could have been done differently.
I pray for him daily, hope where his soul is he finds peace and will remember the good he did before it all went haywire.

I wish I had not seen the things I've seen or unknow them.

What I do see is beauty through the lens of my camera, the places I visit, the people I meet. This will never change.